Mozarteum Hellas participates at the 2020 Mozart Week & the annual working session of the Mozart Communities

Mozarteum Hellas participated for the first time since it became member of Mozart Communities of SMS last June to the annual working session of Mozart Communities. The event was held in Salzburg on Saturday 25 January during the first weekend of the 2020 Mozart Week.

This year the Mozarteum Foundation presented to the Mozart Communities a new project rum by their research department: The online edition of Leopold Mozart’s Versuch einer grundlichen Violinscule of 1756 is a new component of the Digital Mozart Edition.

Mozarteum Hellas was represented by its President, Evgenia Votanopoulou, and  its the Secretary General, Dr Kostas Iatrou.

Dr Ulrich Leisinger welcomed Mozarteum Hellas as one of the new three members of Mozart Communities.

Dr Iatrou briefly presented the activities of Mozarteum Hellas during 2019. He stressed the need for  collaboration between the different Mozarteum Communities.

Mrs Votanopoulou had the opportunity to network with other Mozart Communities namely Associazione Mozart Italia, Mozartian Verein & Association Mozart Italy – Kyiv branch.

During this working session the Secretary General had a series of meeting with Chief Marketing Officer, Mr Rainer Heneis, Mrs Claudia Meyer (International Cooperations and Media Productions) and Andreas Fladvad-Geier Künstlerische Leitung Dialoge und Saisonkonzerte for Stiftung Mozarteum Salzburg providing content for Mozarteum Hellas Review to explore the prospects of   closer collaboration and pf organizing Mozart days/events of Stiftung Mozarteum in Greece as well organising a concert of  the CHILDREN YOUTH SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA ‘NINA PATRIKIDOU’ that is under the patronage of Mozarteum Hellas

Mrs Votanopoulou and Dr Iatrou had the opportunity to attend the 2020 Mozart Week Premiere of SMS production Messiah,  the 2020 opening concert of Mozart Week, the opera Le Nozze Di Figaro as well as the concer of  the Vienna Philarmonic conduccted by Daniel Barenboim

Finally Dr Iatrou participated in the presentation of the 2021 Mozart Week by Rolando Villazon, Artistic Director of Mozart Week
